The use of herbs in Yemeni healing practices, Halle, septembre 2009

Posted by arb2dmin on Sep 25th, 2009

The use of herbs in Yemeni healing practices. An interdisciplinary workshop on traditional knowledge and cultural concepts in scientific perspective.

Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Mühlweg 15
06114 Halle

Organisation : I. Hehmeyer (Ryerson Univ., Canada), H. Schönig (Halle, Allemagne), A. Regourd (UMR 7192) en partenariat avec ces différentes institutions.

Publication : I. Hehmeyer, A. Regourd, H. Schönig (co-éd.), E. J. Brill, à paraître en 2012.

Lieu : Centre for Interdisciplinary Area Studies – Middle East, Africa, Asia, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Allemagne.



Generously supported by Ryerson University, the Royal Ontario Museum Yemen Programme Fund, CNRS (Paris), and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg




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